Hackers have attacked the Wisconsin court system’s computer network, court officials said Thursday.
A cyberattack began early this week, according to a statement from court officials. Network users may have experienced intermittent service or slower than usual response times from online services, court officials said. Asked when specifically the attack began and if it’s still ongoing, courts spokesman Tom Sheehan said in an email that he had no further information.
The statement said that attorneys or self-represented litigants who might experience difficulty filing documents electronically should contact the clerk of court in their respective counties, suggesting the attack was continuing Thursday afternoon.
Director of State Courts Randy Koschnick said in the statement that the court system has taken effective counter measures but did not elaborate.
The attack has not result in the breach of any data and court operations are continuing as usual statewide, state Supreme Court Chief Justice Annette Ziegler said in the statement.